The hardest part of selling a high-quality product

A while back, I worked with a beauty product developer who had spent months—actually, years—perfecting her skincare formula. She worked closely with a manufacturer, sourced the best ingredients, and made sure her product was not just good but competitive with well-known brands that were already on the market. She thought the hard part was over.

Then she launched.

And that’s when she realized—the hardest part wasn’t over. The hard part had just started. The hard part was getting people to pay attention to her skincare line.

She told me, “People have goldfish brains. It doesn’t even matter if my product is better. I can't seem to hold their attention and they just move on and forget.” And she was right.

It made me think about how little it matters to keep shouting that your product is made of superior ingredients. If your brand isn’t holding attention, standing out, and making people care, then your efficacy rates alone won’t save you.

Did you know? There are tons of words marketers use that are not regulated by the FDA thus, causing many brands to saturate the market with the same common words. These words can create certain perceptions for consumers. Words like: natural, wellness, nature, best, solution, whole, glow, etc.

What I'm trying to get at is if you are only using these words you'll be blending into a crowded market.

So, what makes people buy?

✔️ A brand that communicates why you’re different without relying on product efficacy alone. This means building a brand that resonates deeply with a targeted audience through positioning, images, colors, and the tone of voice you use to communicate to that audience.
✔️ A design that visually stops the scroll and makes people take notice. I'm going to be frank and let you know this is incredibly hard to achieve with DIY if you're not an experienced commercial designer. 
✔️ A strong marketing distribution strategy to get your content out frequently. You need to work backward on which channels to market on and the types of content that work best for these channels.

Imagine putting all that effort into your product, spending money on ads and marketing—only to lose people at the brand level. If you don’t have clear positioning and strong professional design, everything else struggles to work.

Branding is the foundation that makes everything else work together. If you’ve been pouring effort into your product but feel like no one is really paying attention, let’s fix that.

If you’re looking for design support to improve the performance of your website. Reach out for a no-obligations chat


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